HQAL: ‘Wishing you Good Will’ and lazy summer days with a good book

Summer is here with her array of blooms and bugs, mixing with bbq’s and cooler evening walks, while ‘Wishing You Good Will’ sits quietly at her place on the couch.


Each day reminding me, “you water the plants, you mow the lawn, you walk the dog, you read a book, you talk on the phone; when is it my turn?”

I have made progress and yes, it is so hard to work on her with the temps soaring. I have been trying to quilt at least 2/3 times a week. What has really struck me in this last 3 week period is the wear and age of this quilt. I have also been finding more and more small to larger imperfections and stains.


The fabrics are worn and I am finding more to repair than I had originally.


In this photo you can see the drastic change in the shape/size of the strips in the pattern. Instead of taking away, I think it totally adds to her beauty and marks her as classic but it also adds to a bit more buckling and puckering and not laying flat.

I know nothing about dating fabrics or quilts but I would love to have this looked at by someone who does. To me it feels very 1950’s, at least the fabrics, (those purple and white squares still throw me off) The wear of the material adds to the age although this simply could be material from then, put together recently and then discarded at the Goodwill (after all that hard work?) I still think this was a family find that the person had no idea what to do with. All thoughts welcomed 🙂


Changing gears just a bit, I must mention that I read a fantastic book that was recommended by Kathy Reeves Kathy   https://livinginrapidcity.wordpress.com

I ordered it from a used book site of the net. I wish I could say that once it came I spent most of my time reading and not enough time working on the quilt but that is not the case. The book was so good, it drew me in to its rhythm and mystery so quickly, I was captive and had it finished in 2 days. Thank you for the recommendation Kathy, I really enjoyed it.


The Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.

KathyLoriMargaretKerryEmmaTracyDebConnieSusan,  NanetteSassy , Edith, and Sharon

Thank You Egg Foo Young & Woman and Their Quilts

I was waiting for a take out order of shrimp egg foo young from my favorite Chinese restaurant, which wasn’t quite ready, so I dropped in at Tuesday Morning, next door. I rarely if almost never shop there. In fact it may have been my first look see, if not, it has been that long since I had gone in.

To my surprise I found these fabulous fat quarters. I scoured the bin of material and only found two but would have settled for the 1 if that was all they had.


Combining my love of hand quilting and genealogy

I was also delighted to find this book at our local Goodwill. Woman and Their Quilts ~ A Washington State Centennial Tribute by NancyAnn Johanson Twelker Foreword by Carter Houck


A transplant from New York via California, now 20 years in glorious Washington State, overjoyed with this find is an understatement. It’s rich history of Washington, along with the family stories and the gorgeous historic family heirloom quilts this book is a treasure.


The above picture is in honor of my great grandfather Samuel Haimowitz born 1875 in Odessa, Ukraine. He immigrated along with his wife Rebecca Strulowitz, son Hyman and Pincus (born aboard ship) to begin their new life in New York. Samuel was a carpenter his entire life. Imagine if Rebecca actually quilted and a Carpenter’s Square at that.



I just realized I picked all blue tone quilts to display ~


I will leave you with this beauty ~ Cigar Silk Quilt ~ summer sunshine ~ absolutely stunning ~



Fun with Fingerless Gloves

I picked up a lovely odd skein of yarn the other day at a place called Ragfinery here in town.


What a treasure trove. Their story is wonderful too, repurpose of unwanted garments and textiles. Please take a moment to stop by and read their story but back to my story. I picked up 1 lone skein of yard and decided to make a pair of fingerless gloves for gift giving this coming winter.


I will pair it up with a pashmina ~ for the perfect gift.


Such a fast easy pattern. You can find quite a few different patterns and tutorials on youtube to follow, I happened to follow

Playing with my phone – edit, I morphed the color and got this beautiful alternate color pattern. Green and turquoise is a favorite and I will be on the hunt for a yarn similar to this. Paired with a piece of turquoise jewelry ~ another perfect gift. ©

