HQAL: Capital T Quilt Update

I’ve  been busy the last 3 weeks and I have enjoyed the endless hours of hand stitching this sheltering in place has given me. I finished 5 more blocks for the Capital T Quilt






I now have 10 of the 16 blocks quilted






6 more blocks to complete, hopefully by next check in.


Welcome Monica to the group


Please take a moment to stop in and check out the other amazing works in progress of the others in our group. The links are below

Hand Quilt Along Links

This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.

Kathy, Margaret, TracyDeb, Susan,  Nanette,  EdithSharonKarrin, Gretchen, Kathi,  Bella, Daisy, Connie and Monica





SAL: Sweet Cactus Update

I know I must say this just about every time I post, how can three weeks fly by this quickly? Time again to show our progress. Sweet Cactus is coming along and I making progress. Here is where I was last time


And here is where I am now


Funny how lighting changes the look and color so much. The color on last weeks posting rings more true. I am not a fan of the dark dark green that was given for the shadowing. It just seems wrong to me. The change is not subtle enough. I wish I had spotted this before I had it all done. Now to decide if I want to remove it and substitute with a my own color choice. Any opinions on that?

I also wanted to welcome Sherrie to the SAL


The list of the other members in the SAL is below and if you have some time, please stop by and check out their pages and what they have been working on.

Avis, Claire, Gun, Carole, Sue, Constanze, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, Cindy, Heidi, Jackie, Sunny, Hayley, Megan, Deborah, Mary Margaret, Renee, Carmela, Jocelyn, Sharon, Daisy, Anne, Connie, AJ, Jenny, Laura, Cathie, Linda, Sherrie




Sheltering in Place, from my home to yours

It occurred to me I haven’t shown to much of what I have been up to while sheltering in place. I have updated you on my projects for the HQAL and SAL that I participate in

but other than that I haven’t shared any of the other projects I have been working on. I finished 2 sets of tea towels/dish towels for two daughters.



Just last week I picked up a baby quilt I had started some time back. Its done in a simple pattern, the pinwheel, my go to favorite. I had hand pieced the middle pinwheels with about 14 completed and now have added the border by machine.



I don’t think I had shown you the quilt I picked up from the Goodwill quite some time ago, pre COVID – 19, I have it doubled up and folded over a fence line. It has all been hand stitched.  The back of the quilt is what the pinwheel blocks are photoed on.


I have continued to make masks for friends, requests are still coming in but more slowly now as more and more people are making them. These two were for friends heading into Seattle to a medical center for a scheduled procedure


My daughter Marissa (in Japan) had told me about using Instacart for grocery delivery. Monday we had our first delivery. Our experience was perfect, our personal shopper on the ball, efficient and friendly while texting through the store with what was and wasn’t available, replacement possibilities complete with pictures. The best surprise was learning her name was Marissa. It was like having my daughter shopping for me (they were both in the same age bracket too, 30’s)

The weather has been beautiful in our northwest corner of the country giving me lots of time outside and in the gardens. I have two strawberry beds like this one, loving the warmer weather1m

1rThe raspberry are showing their beauty and leafing out. Last year was my first year for them to produce. I have 6 main ?canes? are they called canes? The 3 blueberry bushes are limping along still. Two lone tulips popped up – none of the others yet. The daffies are done.



There’s a real quietness to the garden this year. Only the established perennials will display their beauty, I will not be adding anything new or any annuals, it’s victory garden time here. On one of my last outings late Feb. to the local rite aid, I picked up some veggie seed packets. I have spinach started and outdoors in pots and these chives are gorgeous coming back from last year.


I killed 3 tomato plants I put outside to early and the frost got them. I have new seedlings sprouting again. I have radishes coming up, lettuce started, basil and peas all started indoors – a first batch of peas out doors is no more. Carrots and squash need to go in soon – I really have no idea what I am doing; this is a real learning curve keeping me busy.


The bread machine has been put to great use and while Easter was uneventful and quiet, I managed to whip up a picture perfect Pineapple Upside Down bundt cake.


Thinking about the virus and all the changes in our lives right now has kept me busy, reflective and thankful. I find I wake anxious to see who has posted what you have been doing and what is going on where you are. Like many I have spent countless more hours on the phone and face timing with family, checking in, confirming all is ok.

We have 2 resident squirrels who have kept us company and amused this spring, stopping daily for their peanuts and corn. And look at this little guy trying his best to get this peanut…..hey you have your own bird seed to eat.


My hope and prayer is that you and your family members are all well and everyone is safe.


HQAL: Capital T Quilt Update

The three weeks has flown by, they always seem to. I have remained busy at home during the ‘stay at home order’. The other day my OH and I talked about friends saying they are bored, I can’t even get to everything I want to do during the day done. Thinking about it, I am wondering if it is more a case of anxiety over boredom? I am thinking we need more hand piecing and quilting going on – that would help.

I have completed 2 more blocks of Capital T


I love the color combo’s of both of these blocks but this pale green is my favorite


I have completed 5 blocks out of the 16

Time to do some blog hopping and see what everyone else has been working on and the  progress they have made. Stay well and safe

hug3Hand Quilt Along Links

This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.

Kathy, MargaretEmmaTracyDeb, Susan,  Nanette,  EdithSharonKarrin, Gretchen, Kathi,  Bella, Daisy and Connie