Tunisian Lace Crochet

I took a small detour from my quilting project, from the embroidered tea towels, and cross stitch project. I was lured by some gorgeous yarn I found at the local Goodwill.


With the name Liquid Amber, how could I pass it up? I couldn’t.



I decided to crochet a simple scarf, 20 across, using the Tunisian Lace stitch. This would let the knotty jewels of bound bundles shine as well as allow the yarn itself to be the focal point.


This scarf screams Autumn is in the air.


One lacey scarf completed and perfect for fall gift giving.



Hand Quilt Along: September Update


I am making steady progress on Wishing You Goodwill. The new plan from last posting; spending 2 hours each day on each project; was more wishful thinking than doable.

I did stick to my plan though, whether it was 10 minutes or half an hour, stitching did get done which meant progress was made and Goodwill was happy and smiling from her place on honor on the couch




This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.

KathyLoriMargaretKerryEmmaTracyDebConnieSusan,  NanetteSassy , Edith,   Sharon, and Karrin

2 First Place Ribbons won by Ninety-nine year young woman

One of the pages I follow is the Sister’s Outdoor Quilt Show Facebook page. Showing up on my feed today was an article from the Lake County Examiner, Lake View, Oregon on a woman who won 2 first place ribbons for a quilt she entered in the Lake County Fair.

Please take a moment to click on the link – you won’t be disappointed. Fernette Weaver is priceless and the quilt a masterpiece and oh yes she is a hand piecer and quilter.






Tea For Two and Some Double Trouble

The tea towel/flour sack kitchen towel set project has been started. I had forgotten how much I enjoy embroidering and how careful you must be with the hot iron transfers. I single pinned the transfer on. Lifting up just a tiny tiny bit to see how I was doing, I didn’t get the transfer back down in the exact right spot. By towel/day 7 I had the technique down pat.


Two completed while binge watching The Father Brown Mystery’s series on Netflix.


Wednesday is saying ‘oh my’ as I  wasn’t the clearest with the transfer printing. You can see where I doubled up a bit. I think it will be ok since I had a similar problem on Monday.


Well I thought 6 season of Father Brown would see me through this project but I guess I was wrong. I am just starting Wednesday and am into the 6th season with 5 more episodes to go.