HQAL: The Santa Childs Quilt

Our last posting for the HQAL was on Cinco de Mayo, it’s been three weeks and time for another update. Last time I reported on a new start for the 2nd of 3 children’s quilts I am doing this year. I have been working fairly steady on it and making progress. There isn’t much to show as the pattern repeats itself, freehand sketched hearts on pre printed fabric.

I won’t keep you too long with this posting but I wanted to share a few highlights of May. On the 8th I made a quick trip to my daughter and family living in N.C.. (I am in Washington state so it really wasn’t a quick trip 🙂 I went for 2 exciting events. My great grandson’s 1st birthday party and my 15 yr old grandson’s performance in his high schools play – Puffs. Both brought tears to these quilters eyes. Below is a picture of the birthday boy Waylon with his Momma, my granddaughter Tori and the 2nd pic is my daughter Marissa, Liam (after the show) and Tori

Not to be out done but a very close 2nd, on my return we went to meet and bring home our new fur baby. Please meet ‘Johnson’s Bougie On The Creek Mr. Ferguson’ aka Gus!

Gus is a 2 1/2 yr old mini schnauzer. In April we lost our fur baby Skye, also a mini schnauzer who we had for 4 years. She was a rescue from the Los Angeles area who had been in a kill shelter and was on the list to be euthanized. Skye developed cushings and congestive heart failure the past 1 year or so. Losing her was expected but when the time comes it is still a shock. Welcome Gus who in no way takes her place but has healed that ache left in our hearts. Gus is a re home after being purchased as a puppy to a home that abused him. His breeder took him back on learning about it and had been looking for his forever home for a year. Through networking in the schnauzer world we learned about him, made contact and then the 3 1/2 hour drive to get him on my return. He is just perfect and while Skye was our baby she was not a cuddler/lap dog type, Gus most definitely is. We have had him 11 days now and he is settling in beautifully.

Thank you for visiting with me today. If you have some time please join me in visiting with the others in the HQAL with the links below. There are some wonderful projects in the works.

This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.
Kathy, Margaret, Deb, Nanette, Sharon, Karrin, Daisy, and Connie