Bougie On The Creek with Gus, A New Quilt & Junk Journal Making

So much has been going on here on the Creek.

It’s been 5 weeks and 2 days since we brought home our new furbaby, Johnson’s Bougie On The Creek Mr. Ferguson aka Gus. What an amazing little 15 lb guy. Had I mentioned he didn’t drink water for the first 18 days? I tried changing bowls, ceramic, plastic, metal, I tried changing shapes, deep dish, wide dish, shallow dish, I changed location, I tried tap water, bottled water, bought a Brita filter for the water and yet he still shied away from it. Nothing was working so I continues adding water to his food. We made a 2nd appearance with his vet to discuss this – water phobia and a referral to a doggy behaviorist. (He didn’t have a water phobia prior) Luck won out, no behaviorist, and shortly after he began drinking water.

I guess he felt badly for us and thought the money spent on a behaviorist could better serve him in treats and more toys 🙂

He hasn’t figured out what his dog bed is for yet but he loves his new car seat.

And you might notice he is sporting a new haircut with a first outing to his new groomer. She said he was a really good boy!

Recently I was invited to 2 baby showers for the same young lady, Shelby. She is the daughter of one of my close friends. I decided a baby quilt was the perfect gift. I don’t think I have shared it yet ~ long overdue.

This was so much fun to make. The time line was a short two weeks to complete so I decided there was no time to hand piece the blocks so they are machine stitched as well as joining all the blocks together. I did hand quilt her and also hand sewed the lace and border.

For the two moms of the couple I decided to make them each a grandmothers junk journal with everything pink and girly and feminine.

I want to also add that pink, frilly and feminine was and is what Shelby wanted and it was the theme for both the showers. I actually think it is kind of refreshing as the trend seems to be neutral and natural right now.

The first shower was given by a friend of Shelby’s and was mostly for the younger set and some of her side of the family. Her partner’s mother was there and you know when you meet someone and things just click …. that’s exactly what happened. She invited me to a shower that her friend Wendy was hostessing. No gifts please however how could I go and not bring something. I decided a mothers journal was the perfect gift for Shelby. She is filled with all kinds of children’s ephemera, pictures of mom’s and children and babies, vintage laces, pink flowers, blank birth certificate and lots of tuck spots and journaling spaces.

I did manage to capture one picture (at the last moments) of Shelby and Nick giving the journal a look through.

In all my years of attending baby showers I have to say it was the nicest I have ever gone to. Every detail was curated to perfection. But more importantly, I felt so welcomed and comfortable and that isn’t always the case when you go to something and really only know 1 or 2 people. It can be awkward and uncomfortable.

Every guest went home with a hair barrette that the hostess had made herself, each one slightly different. Here is the one I picked. There was also a seed packet for peonies to take which I left.

I have been busy in the craft room working on all kinds of Christmas journals. I’ll be sure to share some with you with Christmas in July right around the corner.

Well, I could go on and on about the shower but I’ll close for now and say thank you so much for visiting with me today.

Sharon & Gus